2022-2023 Gathering Circle Townhalls
Meeting the Objectives of UNDRIP:
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Gathering Circle Speakers:
- Jeannette Lavell-Corbiere, Education Knowledge Keeper, Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory
- Kathleen Doxtator, Youth Leader, Oneida Nation of the Thames
- Karissa John, Parent, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory
- Andrea Hajt-Jacobs, Adult Education, Sagamok First Nation
- Joette Lefebvre, Director of Lifelong Learning, Chippewas of the Thames Board of Education
- Leslee White-Eye, Moderator, Structural Readiness Coordinator, First Nations with Schools Collective
Ancestral Echoes: Reconnecting to the Wisdom of the Past
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
This session explored a Wolastoqey approach to reconnecting with ancestral knowledge and wisdom. Our respected Elders remind us that we can reconnect with the wisdom of the past by learning our ancestral language, listening to the stories of our Elders (past and present), actively participating in our ceremonies and reviving land-based learning principles. Ancestral knowledge and wisdom are reflected in our Wolastoqey cultural foundation which includes language, worldviews, ceremonies, teachings, traditions, values, beliefs, and philosophy.
Legacy of Hope
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
This townhall will cover the Legacy of Hope Foundation’s K-12 curriculum, and other educational resources regarding Indigenous history. In her presentation, Teresa Edwards will cover the impacts of Residential/Day School and the Sixties Scoop on 7 generations of Indigenous Peoples, and address the ongoing racism and discrimination of Indigenous People in Canada.
Heiltsuk First Nation: Frances Brown
Best Practices in Adult Immersion for Language Revitalization
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Hḷagṃ̓iɫ known as Frances D. Brown is descendent of the Heiltsuk and Kitasoo tribes of what is currently known as British Columbia. Frances has spent over two decades revitalizing the Heiltsuk language and culture.
During this Gathering Circle Townhall, Frances shared her experiences, with a focus on Adult Language Immersion Program, that have resulted in a strong foundation on which to build strong and vibrant language and cultural programs.
Youth Storytelling Awards
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Author Sunshine Tenasco showcases the artwork and storytelling of First Nations Youth from across the country.
Two-Eyed Seeing – An Indigenous Worldview Perspective
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Albert Marshall is a highly respected and much loved Elder of the Mi’kmaw Nation; he lives in Eskasoni First Nation in Unama’ki (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia, and is a passionate advocate of cross-cultural understandings and healing and of our human responsibilities to care for all creatures and our Earth Mother.
It is Albert who brought forward Etuaptmumk / Two-Eyed Seeing as a Guiding Principle for Integrative Science and encourages its awareness across Canada and beyond. Two-Eyed Seeing is also an important principle for the Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources (UINR) with which Albert is associated, as well as the Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) for the Bras d’Or Lake and its watershed in Cape Breton, a process in which Albert has been involved since its inception. In addition to Two-Eyed Seeing, Albert is a passionate advocate of Netukulimk, which involves inter-relativenss, co-existence, interconnectiveness, and community spirit.
During this Townhall, Elder Albert Marshall Sr. will speak about the importance of two-Eyed seeing for education and life-long learning and success.